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A street-preacher, some young guy with a microphone and a sign, stood on the corner of one busy street and one smaller one.

A man who was lost approached him.

His sign said, "God wants abortion." It was a strange sign for a man to be holding.

The approacher asked why he thought that was the case.

The man spoke through his booming mic.

"There are two kinds of people in this world. The first are you and I. We cannot see the future and so we choose to be born. The second get revealed their lives from birth. And they see the great pain which they are caused and they ask God so very nicely to let that cup pass from them."

Huh. The other man had never thought that before. So he threw his arm back and knocked the sign squarely and sent it flying to the middle of the street where it was prompty run over. How dare this man devalue the gift of life?

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